Capybara - the largest rodent in the world

2023-08-05 Rodents
Capybara - the largest rodent in the world
The capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), also known as the capybara, is the world's largest rodent. Here are the characteristics of this fascinating animal:

Appearance: The capybara has a massive and massive body structure, similar to a small hippopotamus. Adults reach a length of approximately 1.2 to 1.4 meters and weigh from 35 to 65 kilograms. They have short, thick fur with a brown-red tint. Their legs are short but strong, which allows them to move both on land and in water.

Natural environment: Capybaras inhabit humid areas of South America, such as tropical forests, savannahs, swamps and aquatic areas. They can often be found near rivers, streams and lakes as they are very well adapted to life in water.

Social: Capybaras are social animals and usually live in groups of several to a dozen individuals. Group size may vary depending on resource availability and other environmental factors.

Behavior: Capybaras are calm and gentle animals. They tend to avoid confrontation and prefer to flee rather than fight when threatened. They are very good swimmers and can easily stay in the water for long periods of time.

Diet: Capybaras are herbivores and feed mainly on plants such as grasses, leaves, bark and fruits. Their diet is high in fiber, requiring them to eat plenty of food each day.

Conservation: Capybaras are not threatened with extinction and are widespread in their natural habitat. However, some populations may be threatened by habitat loss and hunting for their fur and meat.

To sum up, capybaras are interesting and peaceful animals that live in groups and are well adapted to life in water. They are important members of the ecosystem in humid areas of South America and have a significant impact on the environment in which they live.

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