Canary - basic information

2023-08-21 Birds
Canary - basic information
The canary (Serinus canaria) is a small, beautifully coloured bird that is a popular companion in many homes around the world. Canaries are known for their melodious singing and colourful plumage. 

   Canaries are of island origin and are native to the Canary Islands and other Macaronesian islands west of Africa. In the wild, they are more modestly coloured than their farmed relatives. Breeding canaries come in many different colours and varieties. Canaries with bright orange or yellow plumage are the most popular, but there are also variants of other colours such as red, white, black and blue. Males are often more colourful than females and have distinctive wing streaks.
What sets canaries apart is their melodious singing. Male canaries are known for their ability to make a variety of sounds, making them popular singing birds in exotic bird farms. Their singing can be beautiful and complex.

   Canaries are mainly grain-eating. Their diet is based on a mixture of seeds, which provides essential nutrients. In addition, it is a good idea to feed them fresh vegetables and fruit to add variety to their diet.

   Canaries are generally calm and friendly birds. They are relatively easy to keep and care for, making them suitable for both beginners and experienced bird lovers.  Canaries are ready to breed at around 6-12 months of age. The female lays her eggs in a nest, and both the male and female share the egg and care of the chicks.

   Canaries are one of the most popular breeding birds in the world. Their beautiful plumage and ability to sing make them often chosen as cage companions. Canary breeders can choose from a variety of colour variations and the heritability of colour is carefully studied. This makes it possible to obtain birds with the desired appearance.
In the wild, these birds are protected and are an endangered species.

Canaries are not only beautiful birds but also great companions. Their beautiful singing can be relaxing and a pleasure for owners. However, it is worth remembering to give them proper care, space and a balanced diet to ensure their health and well-being.


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